User-centered Design of User-Recommender Interaction
2019 - present
A recommender system has become an integral part of everyday online content platforms like Youtube, Spotify, and Instagram. Meanwhile, researchers have continuously reported user experiential issues which imply the lack of knowledge for user-centered design of user-recommender interactions (e.g., a lack of user’s sense of agency, user’s unawareness of recommender inner-workings). However, recent studies still focus on recommendation technique and its performance, and discussion on design with considerations of those user experiential issues is in its infancy. Moreover, designing for user-recommender interaction requires consideration of the contextual specificity of each platform domain. For example, although the expected user experience with the recommendation in the social network service differs from other platforms due to a unique aspect of social interaction, there is yet insufficient research on the user-recommender interaction in the social network context. This project aims to understand the user-centered design of user-recommender interactions and propose tactics for designing user-recommender interactions.