Bae, G., Kwak, D. and Lim, Y., "Why I Choose This Sticker When Chatting with You: Exploring Design Considerations for Sticker Recommendation Services in Mobile Instant Messengers." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 8, Issue CSCW2, 2024, pp. 1–28. [SCOPUS] [received Honorable Mention Award]
Kim, I., Ko, M., Park, J., Moon, S., Jung, G., Lim, Y. and Lee, U., "Social-Spiritual Face: Designing Social Reading Support for Spiritual Well-being." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 6, Issue CSCW2, 2022, pp. 1–22.
Woo, J. and Lim, Y., "Routinoscope: Collaborative Routine Reflection for Routine-Driven Do-It-Yourself Smart Homes,"International Journal of Design, Vol. 14, Issue 3, 2020, pp.19-36. [SSCI]
Lee, Y. and Lim, Y., "Designing Social Interaction for Health Behavior Change throughout the Before, During, and After Phases in Health IT Services," Archives of Design Research, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2017, pp. 29-41. [SCOPUS] (received Best Paper Award (우수논문상))
You, S., Kim, M., & Lim, Y., "Value of culturally oriented information design," Universal Access in the Information Society, 15, 2014, pp.369–391. [SCI]
Lim, Y., Kim, D., Jo, J., and Woo, J., "Discovery-Driven Prototyping for User-Driven Creativity in Ubiquitous Computing," IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2013, pp.74-80. [SCIE]
Lee, W. and Lim, Y., "Explorative Research on the Heat as an Expression Medium: Focused on Interpersonal Communication," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 16, 2012, pp.1039-1049. [SCIE]
Lim, Y., Lee, S., and Kim, D., "Interactivity attributes for expression-oriented interaction design," International Journal of Design, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2011, pp.113-128. [SSCI]
Rogers, Y., Lim, Y., Hazlewood, W. R. and Marshall, P., "Equal Opportunities: Do Shareable Interfaces Promote More Group Participation than Single User Displays?," Human Computer Interaction, Vol. 24, Issues 1 & 2, 2009, pp.79-116. [SCI]
Lim, Y. and Rogers, Y., "A Framework and an Environment for Collaborative Analysis of User Experience," International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2008, pp. 529-555. [SCI]
Lim, Y., Stolterman, E., and Tenenberg, J., "The Anatomy of Prototypes: Prototypes as Filters, Prototypes as Manifestations of Design Ideas," TOCHI, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2008, pp. 1-27. [SCIE]
Blevis, E., Lim, Y., Stolterman, E., and Makice, K., "The Iterative Design of a Virtual Design Studio," TechTrends: A Journal of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2008, pp. 74-83. [SCOPUS]
Lim, Y. and Sato, K., "Describing Multiple Aspects of Use Situation: Applications of Design Information Framework to Scenario Development," Design Studies, Vol. 27, Issue 1, 2006, pp.57-76. [SCIE]
Yun, J., Lim, Y., Kim, K., and Song, S., "Interactivity Crafter: An Interactive Input-Output Transfer Function Design Tool for Interaction Designers," 디자인학연구, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2015, pp. 21 - 37.
Kim, S., Lee, K., and Lim, Y., "차 내비게이션에서의 거리 인지 요인 간 비교 연구," 디자인학연구, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2012, pp. 37-46.
Jo, J. and Lim, Y., "은근한 설득을 적용한 신경성 습관 수정 시스템 디자인 (Designing for Calm Persuasion: Nervous Habit Treatment)," 디자인학연구, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2011, pp. 11-22.
Yun, S. and Lim, Y. "Toolkit Design for Building Camera Sensor-Driven DIY Smart Homes." Proceedings of UbiComp 2024 Companion, ACM Press, (Melbourne, Australia, October 5-9), pp. 256–261.
Lee, Y., and Lim, Y. "How We Use Together: Coordinating Individual Preferences for Using Shared Devices at Home." Proceedings of DIS 2024, ACM Press, (Copenhagen, Denmark, July 01–05), pp. 3407-3418.
Kwak, D., Park, S., Cha, I., Kim, H., and Lim, Y. "Investigating the Potential of Group Recommendation Systems as a Medium of Social Interactions: A Case of Spotify Blend Experiences between Two Users." Proceedings of CHI 2024, ACM Press, (Honolulu, HI, USA, May 11-16), pp. 1-15
Kwak, D., Bae, H., and Lim, Y. "Design Considerations for Supporting Social Interaction in Algorithmic Social Media Feed." Proceedings of IASDR 2023, (Milan, Italy, October 9-13).
Kim, H. and Lim, Y. "Investigating How Users Design Everyday Intelligent Systems in Use." Proceedings of DIS 2023, ACM Press, (Pittsburgh, USA, July 10-14), pp. 702–711.
Son, S. and Lim, Y. "Balancing Flexibility and Authority: Exploring Negotiation as an Interaction Strategy for Healthy Sleep Behaviors." Proceedings of DIS 2023, ACM Press, (Pittsburgh, USA, July 10-14), pp. 401–415.
Sohn, Y., Son, S., and Lim, Y. "Exploring Passengers' Experiences in Algorithmic Dynamic Ride-pooling Services." Proceedings of DIS 2023 Companion, ACM Press, (Pittsburgh, USA, July 10-14), pp. 237–240
Yun, S. and Lim, Y. "Potential and Challenges of DIY Smart Homes with an ML-intensive Camera Sensor." Proceedings of CHI 2023, ACM Press, (Hamburg, Germany, April 23-29), pp. 1-19.
Kwak, D., Kim, H., and Lim, Y. "Exploring Users' Experiences of 'Suggested Posts' in Social Media Through the Lens of Social Networking and Interactions." Proceedings of CSCW 2022 Companion, ACM Press, (Virtual Conference, November 8-22), pp. 37-40.
Kim, H., Jung, I., and Lim, Y. "Understanding the Negative Aspects of User Experience in Human-likeness of Voice-based Conversational Agents." Proceedings of DIS 2022, ACM Press, (Virtual Conference, July 13-17), pp. 1418–1427
Kwak, D., Kim, K., and Lim, Y. "Understanding User Experience with Recommendations in Social Network Service Feed." Proceedings of IASDR 2021, Springer, (Virtual Conference, December 5-9).
Son, S., Kim, H., Nam, H., and Lim, Y. "User Expectations of Serendipitous Recommender Systems." Proceedings of IASDR 2021, Springer, (Virtual Conference, December 5-9).
Kim, H., Nam, H., Lee, U., and Lim, Y. "Utilitarian or Relational? Exploring Indicators of User Orientation Towards Intelligent Agents." Proceedings of HCI International 2021 - Posters, Springer, (Virtual Conference, July 24-29).
Kim, K., Jang, S., Park, H., Jo, K., Kim, H., and Lim, Y. "Hurdle Relay: A Participatory Design Method for Understanding the Information Gap Through Iterative Comparison." Proceedings of HCI International 2021 - Posters, Springer, (Virtual Conference, July 24-29).
Nam, H., Kim, H., and Lim, Y. "User Experience of Agent-mediated Interactions with Multiple Conversational Agents." Proceedings of HCI International 2021 - Posters, Springer, (Virtual Conference, July 24-29).
Kim, H. and Lim, Y., "Teaching-Learning Interaction: A New Concept for Interaction Design to Support Reflective User Agency in Intelligent Systems," Proceedings of DIS 2021, ACM Press, (Virtual Conference, June 28-July 2), pp.1544-1553.
Kim, K., Park, M., and Lim, Y., "Guiding Preferred Driving Style Using Voice in Autonomous Vehicles: An On-Road Wizard-of-Oz Study," Proceedings of DIS 2021, ACM Press, (Virtual Conference, June 28-July 2), pp.352-364.
Jung, I., Kim, H., and Lim, Y., "Understanding How Users Experience the Physiological Expression of Non-humanoid Voice-based Conversational Agent in Healthcare Services," Proceedings of DIS 2021, ACM Press, (Virtual Conference, June 28-July 2), pp.1433-1446.
Cha, I., Kim, S., Hong, H., Yoo, H., and Lim, Y., "Exploring the Use of a Voice-based Conversational Agent to Empower Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder," Proceedings of CHI 2021, ACM Press, (Virtual Conference, May 7-16), pp.1-15.
Hwang, E. and Lim, Y., "Tuning into the Sound: Discovering Motivational Enablers for Self-Therapy Design," Proceedings of the DRS 2020, (Virtual Conference, August 11-14), pp. 1232-1245.
Cha, I., Kim, S., Hong, H., Yoo, H., and Lim, Y., "A Study to Explore the Use of a Voice-Based Conversational Agent As a Conversational Partner for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder," Proceedings of INSAR 2020, (Virtual Conference, June 3), No. 448.002.
Park, S. and Lim, Y., "Investigating User Expectations on the Roles of Family-shared AI Speakers," Proceedings of CHI 2020, ACM Press, (April 25-30), pp. 1-13.
Kim, H., Koh, D., Lee, G., Park, J., and Lim, Y., "Developing a Design Guide for Consistent Manifestation of Conversational Agent Personalities," Proceedings of IASDR 2019, (Manchester, UK, September 2-5).
Park, S. and Lim, Y. "Design Considerations for Explanations Made by a Recommender Chatbot," Proceedings of IASDR 2019, (Manchester, UK, September 2-5).
Lee, G., Park, J., Won, Y., Kim, H., and Lim, Y. "Leveraging Personality to Design Expression for AI Based Embodied Agents." Proceedings of HCI International 2019 - Posters, Springer, (Orlando, Florida, US, July 26-31), pp. 15–20.
Kim, D. and Lim, Y., "Co-Performing Agent: Design for Building User-Agent Partnership in Learning and Adaptive Services," Proceedings of CHI 2019, ACM Press, (Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4-9), Paper 484.
Kim, H., Koh, D., Lee, G., Park, J., and Lim, Y., "Designing Personalities of Conversational Agents," Extended Abstracts of CHI 2019, ACM Press, (Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4-9), Paper LBW1321.
Shin, I., Seok, J., and Lim, Y., "Ten-Minute Silence: A New Notification UX of Mobile Instant Messenger," Proceedings of CHI 2019, ACM Press, (Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4-9), Paper 442.
Sull, E. and Lim, Y., "Designing Health-Promoting Technologies with IoT at Home" Extended Abstracts of CHI 2018, ACM Press, (Montreal QC, Canada, April 21-26), Paper LBW083.
Shin, I., Seok, J., and Lim, Y., "Too Close and Crowded: Understanding Stress on Mobile Instant Messengers based on Proxemics," Proceedings of CHI 2018, ACM Press, (Montreal QC, Canada, April 21-26), Paper 615.
Kim, H., Lee, S., and Lim, Y., "Group Storymaking: Understanding an Unfamiliar Target Group through Participatory Storytelling," Proceedings of IASDR 2017, (Ohio, USA, October 31 - November 3), pp.
Jung, J., Nam, H., Lim, Y., Lee, K., "Beauty and the Beast: An IoT Design Method Based on Improvisational Acting," Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Publication on DIS'17 Companion, ACM Press, (Edinburgh, UK, June 10-14), pp. 10-14.
Lee, Y. and Lim, Y., "How and Why I Cheated On My App: User Experience of Cheating Physical Activity Exergame Application," Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Publication on DIS'17 Companion, ACM Press, (Edinburgh, UK, June 10-14), pp.138-143.
Rho, S., Lee, I., Kim, H., Jung, J., Kim, H., Jun, B., and Lim, Y., "FutureSelf: What Happens When We Forecast Self-Trackers' Future Health Statuses," Proceedings of DIS 2017, ACM Press, (Edinburgh, UK, June 10-14), pp.637-648. [received Honorable Mention]
Jung, Y., Lim, Y., and Kim, M., "Possibilities and Limitations of Online Document Tools for Design Collaboration: The Case of Google Docs," Proceedings of CSCW 2017, ACM Press, (Portland, USA, February 25 - March 1), pp.1096-1108.
Troiano, G., Tiab, J., and Lim, Y. "SCI-FI: Shape-Changing Interfaces, Future Interactions," Proceedings of NordiCHI 2016, ACM Press, (Gothenburg, Sweden, October 23–27).
Lee, Y., Lim, Y., and Lee, K. "Timelessness: User Experience of unplanned Smartphone Use," Proceedings of DIS 2016, ACM Press, (Brisbane, Australia, June 4–8), pp. 73-83.
Odom, W., Wakkary, R., Lim, Y., Desjardins, A., Hengeveld, B., and Banks, R. "From Research Prototype to Research Product," Proceedings of CHI 2016, ACM Press, (San Jose, CA, USA, May 7-12), pp. 2549-2561.
Kim, D., Lee, Y., Rho, S., and Lim, Y. "Design Opportunities in Three Stages of Relationship Development between Users and Self-Tracking Devices," Proceedings of CHI 2016, ACM Press, (San Jose, CA, USA, May 7-12), pp.699-703.
Lee, Y. Kim M.G., Rho, S., ·Kim, D., and Lim, Y. "Friends in Activity Trackers: Design Opportunities and Mediator Issues in Health Products and Services," Proceedings of IASDR 2015, (Brisbane, Australia, November, 2015) [received the Best Paper Award]
Woo, J., and Lim, Y., "User experience in do-it-yourself-style smart homes," Proceedings of UbiComp 2015, ACM Press, (Osaka, Japan, September 7-11), pp.779-790. [received Honorable Mention]
Bae, J., Lim, Y., Bang, J., and Kim, M., "Pause Moment Experience in SNS Communication," Proceedings of CHI 2015, ACM Press, (Seoul, Korea, April 18 – 23), pp.2113-2116.
Kim, D., Lim, Y., "Dwelling Places in KakaoTalk: Understanding the Roles and Meanings of Chatrooms in Mobile Instant Messengers," Proceedings of CSCW 2015, ACM Press, (Vancouver, Canada, March 14-18). pp.775-784.
Lee, Y., Lim, Y., "Understanding the Roles and Influences of Mediators from Multiple Social Channels for Health Behavior Change," Proceedings of CSCW 2015, ACM Press, (Vancouver, Canada, March 14-18). pp. 1070-1079.
Bae, J., Lim, Y., Bang, J., and Kim, M., "Ripening Room: Designing Social Media for Self-reflection in Self-expression," Proceedings of DIS 2014, ACM Press, (Vancouver, Canada, June 21-25), pp. 1055–1064.
Lee, W., Lim, Y., and Shusterman, R., "Practicing Somaesthetics: Exploring Its Impact on Interactive Product Design Ideation," Proceedings of DIS 2014, ACM Press, (Vancouver, Canada, June 21-25), pp. 1055–1064.
Lee, W., Lee, Y., Woo, J., Seok, J., Shin, I., and Lim, Y., "Tools for Effective Communication about Technologies of Domestic Ubiquitous Computing Systems in User-Centered Design," Proceedings of DRS 2014, (Umeå, Sweden, June 16-19).
Seok, J., Woo, J., and Lim, Y., "Non-finito Products: A New Design Space of User Creativity for Personal User Experience," Proceedings of CHI 2014, ACM Press, (Toronto, Canada, April 26-May 1), pp.693-702.
Lee, S., Chae, J., Kim, H., Lim, Y., and Lee, K., "Towards more natural digital content manipulation via user freehand gestural interaction in a living room," Proceedings of UbiComp 2013, ACM Press, (Zurich, Switzerland, 2013), pp. 617-626. [received Honorable Mention]
Lee, M., Nam, T., Lee, Y., Row, Y., Lim, Y., Kim, D.,Seok, J., Odom, W., Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J., Higuera, A., Marchitto, M., Cañas, J., and Moore, H. "Bridging Research and Practice in Design: Reflections of the Project on Value Construction with Virtual Possessions," Proceedings of IASDR 2013, (Tokyo, Japan, August 26-30).
Lee, Y. and Lim, Y., "Your Smartphone Can Be Well-Mannered: Five Ideas to Improve Smartphone Manners,"Proceedings of IASDR 2013, (Tokyo, Japan, August 26-30).
Lee, Y., Lee, K., Lim, Y., "The Value of Unproductive Time with Personal Ubiquitous Technologies," Proceedings of IASDR 2013, (Tokyo, Japan, August 26-30).
Seok, J., Kim, D., Lim, Y., Nam, T., Lee, M., Lee, Y., Row, Y., Sohn, B., Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J., Odom, W., Higuera, A., Marchitto, M., Cañas, J., and Moore, H., "Understanding the Curation Activities of Creating Personal and Social Meanings for Virtual Possessions," Proceedings of IASDR 2013, (Tokyo, Japan, August 26-30).
Odom, W., Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J., López Higuera, A., Marchitto, M., Cañas, J., Lim, Y., Nam, T.-J., Lee, M.-H., Lee, Y., Kim, D., Row, Y., Seok, J., Sohn, B., and Moore, H., "Fragmentation and transition: understanding perceptions of virtual possessions among young adults in Spain, South Korea and the United States," Proceedings of CHI 2013, ACM Press, (Paris, France, 2012), pp. 1833–1842.
Woo, J., Suk, H., Lee, H., and Lim, Y., "Touch or remote: comparing touch-and remote-type interfaces for short distance wireless device connection," Proceedings of CHI 2013 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, (Paris, France, 2012), pp. 1221–1226.
Lee, S., Lim, Y., and Lee, K., "Exploring the Effects of Size on Deformable User Interfaces," Proceedings of MobileHCI 2012, ACM Press, (New York, NY, 2012), pp. 89–94.
Kim, D. and Lim, Y., "iSpace: Interactivity Expression for Self-Expression in an Online Communication Environment," Proceedings of DIS 2012, ACM Press, (Newcastle, UK, June 11-15, 2012). [received Honorable Mention]
Maeng, S., Lim, Y., and Lee, K., "Interaction-Driven Design: A New Approach for Interactive Product Development,"Proceedings of DIS 2012, ACM Press, (Newcastle, UK, June 11-15, 2012).
Woo, J., and Lim, Y., "Clipoid: an augmentable short-distance wireless toolkit for 'accidentally smart home' environments," Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM Press, (Texas, USA, May 5-10, 2012), pp.1751-1754.
Pfister, F., Yun, J., Sohn, B., Lim, Y., "Pleasurable & Emotionally-enriched Experience: an Exploration through Light," Proceedings of IASDR2011, (Delft, Netherlands, October 31-November 3). [Selected as Reviewer's Favorite]
Lee, Y., Lim,Y and Suk, H., "Altruistic Interaction Design: A new interaction design approach for making people care more about others", Proceedings of Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces (DPPI '11)ACM Press, (Milan, Italy, June 22 – 25, 2011), pp. 59-62.
Kim, D. and Lim, Y., "Handscope: Enabling Blind People to Experience Statistical Graphics on Websites through Haptics", Proceedings of CHI2011, ACM Press. (Vancouver, Canada, May 7-12, 2011), pp. 2039-2042.
Kim, D., Lim, Y., and Suk, H., "My Own-Style Interaction: Exploring Individuals' Preferences to Interactivity",Proceedings of CHI2011 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press. (Vancouver, Canada, May 7-12, 2011), pp. 1861-1866
Lee, S., Lim, Y., and Lee, K., "A Long-term Study of User Experience towards Interaction Designs that Support Behavior Change", Proceedings of CHI2011 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press. (Vancouver, Canada, May 7-12, 2011), pp. 2065-2070
Woo, J., Kim, D., Kim, S., Jo, J., and Lim, Y., "Interactivity Sketcher: Crafting and Experiencing Interactivity Qualities",Proceedings of CHI2011 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press. (Vancouver, Canada, May 7-12, 2011), pp. 1429-1434
Lee, W., Kim, S., Lim, Y., Oh, A., Nam, T., and Kim, K., "A Rapid Prototyping Method for Discovering User-Driven Opportunities for Personal Informatics: A Case Study in a Domestic Environment," Proceedings of VSMM 2010, IEEE, (Seoul, Korea, October, 20-23, 2010). [received the Best Paper Award]
Baek, B., Sohn, M., and Lim, Y., "Sustainable Design Issues in Sincerity Expression: with the Case of Gift-Wrapping," Proceedings of Design & Emotion 2010, (Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 5-7, 2010).
Lee, H., Lee, W., and Lim, Y., "The effect of eco-driving system towards sustainable driving behavior," Proceedings of CHI2010 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 10 – 15, 2010), pp. 4255-4260
Lee, W. and Lim, Y., "Thermo-message: exploring the potential of heat as a modality of peripheral expression," Proceedings of CHI2010 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 10 – 15, 2010), pp.4231-4236
Park, S., Park, S. S., Lim, Y., Lee, G. and Hahn, M., "Designing Attention-aware Peripheral Displays with Gaze-based Notification Control," Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII) 2009, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009.
Kim, R., Kwak, S., Lim, Y., and Kim, M. "Focus Group Interview for Designing a Growing Robot," Proceedings of HRI 2009, IEEE, San Diego, USA, March 11-13, 2009.
Lim, Y., Lee, S., and Lee, K., "Interactivity Attributes: A New Way of Thinking and Describing Interactivity,"Proceedings of CHI2009, ACM Press, Boston, USA, April 4-9, 2009.
Sung, J., Lee, W., and Lim, Y., "Why We Cannot Work without Paper Even in a Computerized Work Environment,"Proceedings of CHI2009 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, Boston, USA, April 4-9, 2009.
Woo, J. and Lim, Y., "Contact-and-Connect: Designing New Pairing Interface for Short Distance Wireless Devices,"Proceedings of CHI2009 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, Boston, USA, April 4-9, 2009.
Chang, Y., Lim, Y., and Stolterman, E., "Personas: From Theory to Practices," Proceedings of NordiCHI 2008, Lund, Sweden, October 20-22, 2008.
Bhandari, S. and Lim, Y., "Exploring Gestural Mode of Interaction with Mobile Phones," Proceedings of CHI2008 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, Florence, Italy, April 5-10, 2008.
Hazlewood, W. R., Connelly, K., Makice, K., and Lim, Y., "Exploring Evaluation Methods for Ambient Information Systems," Proceedings of CHI2008 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, Florence, Italy, April 5-10, 2008.
Rahn, N., Lim, Y., and Groth, D., "Redesigning Video Analysis: An Interactive Ink Annotation Tool," Proceedings of CHI2008 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, Florence, Italy, April 5-10, 2008.
Lim, Y., Stolterman, E., Jung, H., Donaldson, J., "Interaction Gestalt and the Design of Aesthetic Interactions,"Proceedings of Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces (DPPI 2007), ACM Press, Helsinki, Finland, August 22-25, 2007.
Kunz, B., Lim, Y., Stolterman, E., "Improving Work Through HCI: A Case Study on Information Sharing Practices,"Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems 2007 (AMCIS 2007), Keystone, Colorado, August 9-12, 2007.
Blevis, E., Lim, Y., Roedl, D. and Stolterman, E., "Using Design Critique as Research to link Sustainability and Interactive Technologies," Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII) 2007, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007.
Lim, Y., Blevis, E., and Stolterman, E., "Grand Challenges in Design Research for Human-Centered Design Informatics," Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII) 2007, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007.
Aneja, S. and Lim, Y., "Designing for Totality of Mobile and Non-Mobile Interaction: A Case Study," Proceedings of CHI2007 Trend: Experience Report, ACM Press, San Jose, CA, April 28-May 3, 2007.
Jakobsson, M., Tsow, A., Shah, A., Blevis, E., and Lim, Y., "What Instills Trust? A Qualitative Study of Phishing,"Proceedings of Usable Security (USEC'07), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Lowlands, Scarborough, Trinidad/Tobago, February 15-16, 2007.
Blevis, E., Lim, Y., and Stolterman, E., "Regarding Software as a Material of Design," Proceedings of Wonderground – the 2006 Design Research Society International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, November 1-4, 2006.
Lim, Y., Pangam, A., Periyasami, S., Aneja, S., "Comparative Analysis of High- and Low-fidelity Prototypes for More Valid Usability Evaluations of Mobile Devices," Proceedings of NordiCHI 2006, ACM Press, Oslo, Norway, October 14-18, 2006, pp.291-300.
Ozakca, M. and Lim, Y., "A Study of Reviews and Ratings on the Internet," Proceedings of CHI 2006 Work-in-Progress, ACM Press, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 22-27, 2006, pp.1181-1186.
Rogers, Y., Lim, Y., and Hazlewood W.R., "Extending Tabletops to Support Flexible Collaborative Interactions,"Proceedings of The First IEEE International Workshop on TableTop2006, Adelaide, South Australia, January 5-7, 2006, pp.71-78.
Lim, Y., Rogers, Y., and Mehta, K., "Designing an Environment for Co-located Collaborative Analysis of User Experience," Proceedings of Workshop of In-Use, In-Situ: Extending Field Research Methods (BCS-HCI), London, UK, October 27-28, 2005.
Blevis, E., Lim, Y., Ozakca, M., "The Design Exchange: A Collaborative Online Community for Designers,"Proceedings of HCII'05, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc (LEA), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 22-27, 2005.
Blevis, E., Lim, Y., Ozakca, M., and Aneja, S., "Designing Interactivity for the Specific Context of Designerly Collaborations," Proceedings of CHI EA 2005, ACM Press, Portland, Oregon, April 2-7, 2005, pp. 1216-1219.
Lim, Y., "Multiple Aspect Based Task Analysis (MABTA) for User Requirements Gathering in Highly-contextualized Interactive System Design," Proceedings of Tamodia2004, ACM Press, Prague, Czech Republic, November 15-16, 2004.
Rogers, Y., Hazlewood, W. R., Blevis, E., and Lim, Y., "Finger talk: collaborative decision-making using voice and fingertip interaction around a tabletop display," Proceedings of CHI EA 2004 , ACM Press, Vienna, Austria, April 24-29, 2004, pp. 1271-1274.
Lim, Y. and Sato, K., "Scenarios for Usability Evaluation: Using Design Information Framework (DIF) and a Task Analysis Approach," Proceedings of the 15th Triennial Congress International Ergonomics Association, Seoul, Korea, August, 2003.
Lim, Y. and Sato, K., "Aspect Model-Based Methods for Scenarios and Prototype Development," Proceedings of HCII'03, Crete, Greece, June, 2003.
Lim, Y. and Sato, K., "Development of Design Information Framework for Interactive Systems Design," Proceedings of the 5th Asian Design International Conference, Seoul, Korea, October, 2001.
Sato, K. and Lim, Y., "Physical Interaction and Multi-Aspect Representation for Information Intensive Environments," Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Osaka, Japan, September 27-29, 2000. [received the Best Paper Award]
Nam,H., Park,S., Kim, H., Koh, D., and Lim, Y., "관계 진화 모델 기반 에이전트 서비스 시나리오 및 디자인 가이드라인 개발", Post-AI를 대비한 인공지능 융합 심포지엄
Kim, C., Heo, S., Jeong, K., and Lim, Y., "Formula One: Mobile Device Supported Rapid In-the-Wild Design and Evaluation of Interactive Prototypes", Proceedings of HCI Korea 2016, Hanbit Media, Inc., (Jeongseon, Korea, January 27-29), pp. 333-338. [received the Best Paper Award]
Park, J., Lee, Y., and Lim, Y., "Understanding User Experience of Diet Applications with Design Strategies and Features for Health Behavior Change", Proceedings of HCI Korea 2016, Hanbit Media, Inc., (Jeongseon, Korea, January 27-29), pp. 499-506.
Lee, W., and Lim, Y., "디자인 발상과정에서 햅틱 속성에 대해 소통하는 방법으로서의 제스처(Gesture as a Means for Communicating Haptic Properties in Design Idea Generation)", 한국디자인학회 (Korea Society of Design Science) 2012 봄 국제학술대회 논문집.
Seok, J., and Lim, Y., "새로운 유형의 SNS 피쳐, 페이스북의 콕 찔러보기가 갖는 디자인적 가능성 (A New Type of SNS Feature: The Design Implication of the Poke Feature of Faccebook)," 한국디자인학회 (Korea Society of Design Science) 2012 봄 국제학술대회 논문집.
Woo, J., and Lim, Y., "사용자 스마트홈 창작 플랫폼 디자인을 위한 가이드라인 연구 (Design Guideline for End-user Smart home Creation Platform)," 한국디자인학회 (Korea Society of Design Science) 2012 봄 국제학술대회 논문집.
Choi, E., Lim, Y., and Lee, W., "컨텍스트 매핑(Contextmapping)에서 3차원 오브젝트의 추가적인 사용의 영향에 관한 연구(The Effects of Additional Use of 3D Objects When Conducting Contextmapping)," 한국디자인학회(Korea Society of Design Science) 2010 봄 국제학술대회 논문집.
Hong, Y., Xu, J., Yang, K., and Lim, Y., "여자 중학생의 온라인 커뮤니티 구현을 위한 Cultural Probes의 적용에 관한 연구(Applying Cultural Probes to Design a New Online Community for Middle School Girls)," 한국디자인학회(Korea Society of Design Science) 2009 봄 국제학술발표대회 논문집.
Woo, J. and Lim, Y., "블루투스 헤드셋에 대한 사용자모델과 시스템모델 비교 (Comparative Analysis of a User Model and a System Model of Bluetooth Music Player and Headset Synchronization)," 한국디자인학회 (Korea Society of Design Science) 2008 가을학술발표대회 논문집.
Book Chapters and Other Articles
Kujala, T., Lee, G., Lee, H., Lim, Y., and Lee, U. (2014). "HCI Korea and the SIGCHI Korea Chapter," interactions21, 6 (October, 2014), pp. 84–84.
Lim, Y. (2012). "Disappearing Interfaces," interactions 19, 5 (September 2012), pp.36-39.
(invited commentary) Lim, Y. (2011). "Commentary on: Shusterman, Richard (2011): Somaesthetics: Thinking Through the Body and Designing for Interactive Experience," In: Soegaard, Mads and Dam, Rikke Friis (eds.).Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction. Aarhus, Denmark: The Foundation.
Lim, Y., Donaldson, J., Jung, H., Kunz, B., Royer, D., Ramalingam, S., Thirumaran, S., and Stolterman, E., "Emotional Experience and Interaction Design," Affect and Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction, Peter C., Beale R. (eds.). LNCS, vol. 4868. Springer, Heidelberg, 2008. [SCOPUS]
(invited book chapter) Bardzell, J. Blevis, E., and Lim, Y., "Behavioral Studies," In Jakobsson, M. & Myers, S. (Eds.)Phishing and Counter-measures: Understanding the increasing problem of electronic identity theft, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.
(invited book chapter) Bardzell, J. Blevis, E., and Lim, Y., "Human-Centered Design Considerations," In Jakobsson, M. & Myers, S. (Eds.) Phishing and Counter-measures: Understanding the increasing problem of electronic identity theft, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.
Lim, Y., "ACM CHI 2013 디자인 논문 리뷰," CG&I Review, vol. 3, issue 1, May, 2013.
Lim, Y., "Design Sensitive to People's Experience and Culture," w.e.b.: Trend Report, vol. 81, September, 2006.
"KDRI Design Talk 2005 4th: Introduction of HCI Design Research and Program in School of Informatics, Indiana University," Reported by Joon-ki Park, w.e.b.: Trend Report, vol. 67, July, 2005, pp.54-56.
Workshop Proposals
Hook, K., Hummels, C., Isbister, K., Marti, P., Segura, E.M., Jonsson, M., Mueller, F. Floyd, Sanches, P.A.N., Schiphorst, T., Stahl, A., Svanaes, D., Trotto, A., Petersen, M.G., Lim, Y., "Soma-Based Design Theory," Proceedings of CHI EA 2017. ACM Press, (Denver, Colorado, USA, May 06 - 11), pp.550–557.
Hazlewood, W. R., Coyle, L, Lim, Y., and Pousmann, Z., "Ambient Information Systems," Proceedings of Ubicomp2008, Seoul, South Korea, Sep 21, 2008.
Blevis, E., Lim, Y., and Stolterman, E., Vetting-Wolf, T., Sato, K., "Supporting Design Studio Culture in HCI,"Proceedings of CHI2007 Workshop Proposal, ACM Press, San Jose, CA, April 28-May 3, 2007.
Stolterman, E., Lim, Y., and Vandermeulen, J., "Improving the Relationships between Research and Practice in design," Proceedings of NordiCHI 2006, Oslo, Norway, October 15, 2006.
Workshop/Symposium Papers
Seungho Baek, Hyerin Im, Uran Oh, Youn-kyung Lim, Takyeon Lee. "Is It Really Useful?: An Observation Study of How Designers Use CLIP-based Image Generation For Moodboards," HCAI @ NeurIPS '22.
Cha, I. and Lim, Y., "Challenges in Devising Resources for Ethics: What Should We Consider When Designing Toolkits to Tackle AI Ethical Issues for Practitioners?" Co-designing Resources for Ethics Education in HCI Workshop at CHI 2021, (Virtual Conference May 8-13).
Park, S. and Lim, Y., "Ethical Issues of Family AI Agents: Keeping Intermember Privacy", CoDesigning AI Futures Workshop at DIS 2019, (San Diego, US, June 23-28).
Koh, D., Kim, J., Yun, D., and Lim, Y., "PlayMaker: A Participatory Design Method for Creating Entertainment Application Concepts Using Activity Data," Asian CHI Symposium at CHI 2019, (Glasgow, UK, May 5).
Woo, J. and Lim, Y., "Routine as Resource: Do-It-Yourself Style Smart Home," SmartForLife 2015 Workshop at CHI 2015, Seoul, USA, April 18, 2015.
Lim, Y., Oh, A., Nam, T., Kim, K., "Personal Informatics for Discovering Human-centered Lifecare System Opportunities," Workshop on Know Thyself: Monitoring and Reflecting on Facets of One's Life at CHI2010, Atlanta, USA, April 10, 2010.
Lim, Y. and Odom, W., "On the importance of framing questions for user research in the experience-centered design process," Workshop on Building a unified framework for the practice of eXperience Design at CHI2009, Boston, USA, April 5, 2009.
Stolterman, E. and Lim, Y., "A Model of Interaction," Workshop on User Interface Description Languages for Next Generation User Interfaces at CHI2008, Florence, Italy, April 6, 2008.
Lim, Y. and Saxena, S., "Making Experience-centered Design Operable," Workshop on Theory and Method for Experience Centered Design at CHI2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 23, 2006.
Broadcast & Interview
KBS1 과학카페: <과학의 달 특집> 과학, 다 빈치에게 길을 묻다 2부, "21세기 다 빈치 되기", April 20, 2010.
매일경제 "차세대 디자인 리더가 뛴다 (上)", March 6, 2010.
파이낸셜뉴스 "MS '젊은 교수상' 받은 임윤경 KAIST 교수", December 20, 2009.
Saeyoung Rho, Injung Lee, Hankyung Kim, Jonghyuk Jung, Hyungi Kim, Bong Gwan Jun, Youn-kyung Lim, 2017, Honorable Mention for Full Paper by ACM DIS 2017
Yeoreum Lee, Min Gyeong Kim, Saeyoung Rho, Da-jung Kim, Youn-kyung Lim. 2015. Best Paper Award by IASDR 2015
Dajung Kim and Youn-kyung Lim, 2012, Honorable Mention for Full Paper by ACM DIS 2012
Yeoreum Lee, 2010 IF concept Award, "Music Reader"
Won-jun Lee, Sunjun Kim, Youn-kyung Lim, Alice Oh, Tek-jin Nam, and Kee-Eung Kim, 2010, Best Paper Award by VSMM 2010
Youn-kyung Lim, 2009 Microsoft Young Professorship Award by MSRA
Yeoreum Lee, 2009 Next Generation Design Leader by Ministry of Knowledge Economy and Korea Institute of Design Promotion
Youn-kyung Lim, 2012, 기초연구 우수성과 선정 by 교육과학기술부(Ministry of Education, Science and Technology)
Youn-kyung Lim, 2012, 인문사회분야 기초학문육성 10년 성과 선정 by 한국연구재단(National Research Foundation of Korea)
Youn-kyung Lim, 2011, Teaching Excellence Award by Dept. of Industrial Design, KAIST
Youn-kyung Lim, 2009, IASDR 2009 Organizing Committee Service Award by KSDS
Sung-jun Kim, 2009 Next Generation Design Leader by Ministry of Knowledge Economy and Korea Institute of Design Promotion
Jongbum Woo, 2008 Student Paper Award in the 2008 Bi-annual Conference of KSDS
Yeoreum Lee, 2010, International Home Show Macef, Funded by Korea Institute of Design Promotion and Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Republic of Korea
Yeoreum Lee, 2010, Design Korea, Hosted and Supported by Korea Institute of Design Promotion and Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Republic of Korea
Yeoreum Lee, 2011, Design Korea, Hosted and Supported by Korea Institute of Design Promotion and Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Republic of Korea
Dae-sung Kim, 2009 Seoul Design Olympiad