cixd creative interaction design lab.

Designing Evolving Interactions for Intelligent Assistant Systems

2014 - 2019

Smart products and services around us are increasingly becoming intelligent in supporting our everyday lives. Like personal assistants, they aim to provide personalized assistance so that individual users can more effectively manage their schedules and events, health and behaviors, and social relationships with others. In addition, these assistant-like systems have great potentials to evolve over time, as they can learn about their users and improve the services in a way that are more fit to individual users. Meanwhile, it is important to make such evolution not just led by technologies, but by deeply understanding users’ experiences of these evolving systems in a human-centered perspective, because algorithm-driven service evolution may not always be relevant, necessary, and pleasant in a given user’s own life contexts. However, research on designing interactions with evolving intelligent systems and user experience is still in its early stage. As a step forward to fill this gap, this research investigates what users think as a meaningful evolution of intelligent assistant systems and how they would like to collaborate with the systems to make such evolution possible. By doing so, this research aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge for designing intelligent assistant systems, which truly support people and provide pleasant experiences of the systems.