cixd creative interaction design lab.

Ph.D. student Jong-bum Woo and two master's students graduated!

One of CIxD's pioneers, Jong-bum Woo (far right), and master's students Min-kyung Kim (2nd from left) and Soon-ju Lee(3rd from left) graduated on Feburary 17th, 2017.

All of our lab members are grateful that all three have been sharing enthusiasm and love and wish a best luck on their future.

The topics of their thesis are listed below;

Jong-bum Woo, Ph.D., Designing Routine-driven Do-it-yourself Smart Home 

Min-Kyung Kim, Master's Student, Designing Autonomous Sharing Regulation to Respect User Privacy in Health-related Personal Informatics System

Soon-ju Lee, Master's Student, A Study on Applying the Group Goal Concept to Health IT Service Design for Health Behavior Change